Knox Box Program

Residental Knox Box Program
The Residential lock box program is designed to allow access to homes during medical or other emergencies where the occupant is unable to open the door. The lock box program also reduces the likelihood of property damage caused by first responders forcing entry into a home in response to an emergency call.
This is a voluntary program for residential properties served by the Tubac Fire District. In this program the building owner/occupant installs a residential lock box on their home to secure a key(s) for use by the fire department in an emergency where the occupant is unable to open the door. Homes having these boxes will be noted in the CAD (Computer Aided Dispatch) system at the 911 Center. This allows responders to know that the home or facility is equipped with a lock box. This information is immediately sent to computers in fire trucks and station printers as soon as an emergency call is dispatched. However, purchasing and installing a residential lock box does not entitle the homeowner to a "lock out service". Specifically what this means is if a homeowner accidently locks themselves out of their home, the fire department will not provide the homeowner access to their residence using the lock box program.
A: Only keyed lock boxes are accepted.

A: Residential lock boxes are available for purchase online at The cost is approximately $170.
A: You are responsible for installing your lock box or hiring someone to install it for you. It should be securely fastened to your home to prevent someone from removing it. The fire department does not provide installation services but we are available to consult on the location of the box.
A: The top of the lock boxes should be installed between 48" and 60" above finished grade. Lock boxes should be immediately visible and accessible to emergency responders. Do not install lock boxes behind bushes, gates or other obstacles.
A: Contact the Tubac Fire District at (520)398-2255 to have the key to your front door placed inside the box. Fill out the Residential Lock Box Release of Liability Form below entirely and submit.